
Feet on the ground need a say

By MichellePurse posted 06-02-2020 13:43


After 30 years of caring for our own patch of Australia; clearing boxthorn & lantana; planting windbreaks with local native trees raised from seed in conjunction with Greening Australia & our kids local State School; destocking applicable areas for native vine scrub regeneration & water retention; changing our stock troughs to suit all forms of wildlife (plus cattle & horses) we decided to invite Land For Wildlife out to see if they thought we were doing all the right things before we advertised how wonderful we were pending the opening of our Eco Farmstay B&B.

Tick - all great; futher visits from bird observers & botanists documenting species for a book. Accreditation; photo with the beautiful sign to go in the next newsletter.... then the local branch was uncontactable. Mystery solved when we found government funding for this branch had been cut because it was deemed there was not enough interest in this area. Nobody asked us! Friends of Land For Wildlife Toowoomba has been set up to have the official service hopefully reinstated soon and could do with $500 I'm sure. They sent me the Landcarer link.

What a fantastic & informative site Landcarer is to link all like minded people from different groups plus individuals.From our experience above it seems if more individuals (like we were - in the background doing our own thing) promoted their endeavours on such platforms there would be more community awareness of just how much interest there really is in caring for our land.


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