
National Tree Day Carroll Nature Area Weeding Bee!

By griffithsangelam posted 27-08-2020 00:34


National Tree Day Working Bee at Carroll Nature Area National Tree day this year was as much a profile-raising exercise as it was a Weeding Working Bee.
Profile raising in the sense that we see the park as one of the most biodiverse and naturally beautiful parks in the South Burnett. The birdlife alone and the unique vegetation right in the heart of suburbia, makes it a resource for our community that we feel will be more valued in the years to come as we learn more about the cognitive and physical health benefits of living near green spaces especially those that are as species rich as this one.
We also see the park as the ground zero for conversations that we feel need to be had about the use of the herbicide, Round-up in our local parks, gardens, playing fields etc.
The invasive weeds, Cats Claw creeper, Asparagus Vine and Basket Asparagus are continuing to be an issue for those of us who hold the park dear and we are  concerned particularly about the Cats claw creeper which has spread from a neighbouring property and re-seeds the park each year. 
This necessitates council intervention and the use of roundup to control these  infestations and we are suspicious of a changing soil biology as a result which is possibly leading to more favoured conditions for these weeds and less favourable conditions for the germination and long-term health of the parks native plants. This is particularly happening in the dryer northern areas.
 With all this in mind we organised our National Tree Day annual celebration as a Weeding Working Bee with the aim that we might gather those whose love for the natural environment and concerns for the park match our own and who might be willing to make this a monthly or bi monthly event. 
We shared information about the status of the park, the experiments we are doing re the soil biology and our aim to work with Council to phase out the use of harmful chemicals. We also spoke about the collapse of biology everywhere upon the planet and the zoonotic diseases that many say are occurring as a direct result.
The morning included an hour-long children’s program ‘Life in the Park’ which enabled the children to experience some of the diversity and learn a little about the systems that support life in the park and a long interview with Laura Blackmore from Burnettoday. 
A large pile of weeds was removed and an entire section will hopefully be saved from further Round up treatment.

